Grades for the 1st marking term closed on Friday October 26, 2007
Report Cards will be distributed to students on Thursday, November 8, 2007
Parent/Teacher Conferences are scheduled for Wednesday, November 14, 2007 from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Mission Statement
The John D. O'Bryant School of Mathematics and Science is a diverse, supportive community of learners that engages in a rigorous and comprehensive Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics program integrated with Humanities. Our college-preparatory exam school enables our students to reach their full potential and become leaders who will shape the direction of society.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Monday, October 1, 2007
Middle School Expectations - FAQs (2007 - 2008)
We want you to do well in the 7th and 8th grade so you will move on to become a successful high school student at the O’Bryant; and so you are prepared to attend the “best colleges.” To this end, we have established certain expectations for our middle school students that we believe will help you to excel. The following are some frequently asked questions about what we expect from you:
What should I do when I arrive at school(before homeroom starts)?
All 7th and 8th grade students are to proceed directly to the 2nd floor upon their arrival at school. Students may not leave the 2nd floor before school other than to go to the first floor cafeteria for breakfast or to go to the library.
Students are not allowed in classrooms without adult supervision; and are not allowed to loiter in the locker area or hallways.
All 7th grade students must wait for the start of school in Cafeteria B (street-side cafeteria). No 8th graders are allowed in Cafeteria B before school.
All 8th grade students must wait for the start of school in Cafeteria A (field-side cafeteria). No 7th graders are allowed in Cafeteria A before school (other than to see Ms. Choi)
What happens if I am tardy to school?
All 7th and 8th grade students will be seated in class by 7:25 AM. Students who are late to homeroom are subject to the following consequences:
1st offense > warning by homeroom teacher
2nd – 4th offenses > homeroom teacher calls home and assigns lunch time detention, student completes reflection during detention
5th + offenses > homeroom teacher assigns after school detention, student completes reflection during detention, Mr. MacLeod calls home
What happens if I am tardy to class (period 2 – 6)?
All 7th and 8th grade students will be on time for class. Students who are late to class are subject to the following consequences:
1st and 2nd offenses > teacher calls home and assigns lunchtime detention; student completes reflection during detention
3rd + offenses > teacher assigns after school detention, student completes reflection during detention, Mr. MacLeod calls home
What happens if I cut class?All 7th and 8th grade students will attend all of their classes. Students who skip class are subject to the following consequences:
1st offense > teacher calls home and teacher assigns after school detention, student completes reflection during detention; Mr. MacLeod notified
2nd + offenses > teacher refers student to Mr. MacLeod; Mr. MacLeod calls home and has student complete reflection, student subject to disciplinary hearing
When can I go to my locker?Grade 8 students may only go to their lockers: before school, after 2nd period; before lunch, and at the end of the school day (escorted by teacher).
Grade 7 students may only go to their lockers: before school, before lunch, and at the end of the school day (escorted by teacher).
Where do I eat lunch?
All 7th grade students eat during 1st lunch period (between 3rd and 4th periods)
All 8th grade students eat during 2nd lunch period (between 4th and 5th periods)
Students in the homerooms of the following teachers eat in Cafeteria B (street-side cafeteria) during their assigned lunch period: (1st lunch: Gray, Keung, Tamerat) (2nd lunch: Hall, Lawrence, Lazo)
Students in the homerooms of the following teachers eat in Cafeteria A (field-side cafeteria) during their assigned lunch period: (1st lunch: Chaney, Hodjat, Terry) (2nd lunch: Marotta, Mendillo, Tapia)
All students will sit by homeroom at their assigned table. We will consider revisiting this policy for the 8th graders at end of September.
No more than two students (one boy, one girl) may leave the cafeteria at a time to go to the lavatory. Students must ask for permission and take a lavatory pass.
All students will be dismissed from the cafeteria by homeroom and will be escorted to their next class by the teacher of their next class.
How should I act when I travel off the floor?When possible, students will be escorted by a teacher when they have to travel off of the floor. Whether or not you are being escorted, you must proceed in an orderly and respectful manner.
How am I expected to act at school as well as on the way to and from school?
All 7th and 8th grade students are expected to comply with the Code of Discipline of the Boston Public Schools as well as the School-Based Rules. In addition, we expect all 7th and 8 grade students to demonstrate respect for themselves and others through their words and actions. We have a zero tolerance policy for bullying, name calling, harassment and fighting.
Remember that the Code of Discipline must be followed even when you are on the school bus or on the MBTA (to/from school).
What happens if I misbehave?
Your parents/guardians will be called and depending on what you did, you might receive a detention (lunchtime or after school) or a conference might be arranged with your parents/guardians (which may result in a suspension).
Can I use my cell phone at school?
Cell phones must not be used during school hours and must be turned off (not just on vibrate) and put away. Cell phones will be confiscated in accordance with BPS policy.
If a family member needs to get in touch with you during the school day, they should call the main office, Mr. MacLeod or Ms. Choi and the message will be promptly communicated to you. Depending on the circumstances, you may also be permitted to make a telephone call in the main office or in Mr. MacLeod or Ms. Choi’s office.
Can I use an IPod, GameBoy, PSP or other electronic device in school?
No. These items must be put away as soon as you enter the building. We strongly suggest that you don’t even bring them to school.
Does the school have a dress code?
Yes. Students should dress in a modest fashion. Shorts and skirts must be no more than 3 inches above the knee. Revealing shirts (low-cut, halters, spaghetti strap, etc.) or shirts with obscene or other inappropriate words or images can not be worn. Hats, doo-rages, scarves and other headgear must be removed as soon as you enter the building. For more details, please read the School-Based Rules.
When and where do detentions take place?
Lunchtime detentions are held in room 3-226 for students assigned to Cafeteria B (street-side cafeteria) and in room 3-239 for students assigned to Cafeteria A (field-side cafeteria).
Students must report directly to the detention room (not the lunch line) when they are assigned lunchtime detention. Students will be allowed to obtain lunch after the line diminishes
Students must complete a reflection during lunchtime detention; and must be silent during lunchtime detention.
After school detentions are held on Thursdays from 1:50 PM to 2:30 PM in room 3-242.
A 24 hour notice letter will sent home to parents/guardians so alternative arrangements can be made for transportation home.
Students must complete a reflection during after school detention; and must be silent during after school detention.
What is a reflection?
When you fail to meet our expectations, we want you to think about what you did (or didn’t do) and what you can do (or not do) in the future to avoid this same behavior. Depending on the circumstances, you will be required to complete the following reflections during detention: Tardy to Homeroom Reflection, Tardy to Class (Periods 2-6) Reflection, Cut Class/Unexcused Absence Reflection, Behavior/Problem Solving Reflection.
When and how will I be dismissed from school?Students whose 6th period classes are located on the street-side of the building (Lazo, Lawrence, Tamerat, Gray and Keung) will be dismissed through the exit door/stairway across the hall from 3-216.
Students whose 6th period classes are located on the 2nd floor, field-side of the building (Tapia, Marotta, Chaney, Hodjat and Terry) will be dismissed through the exit door/stairway across the hall from 3-209.
Students whose 6th period classes are located on the 3rd floor, field-side of the building (Mendillo and Hall) will be dismissed through the exit door/stairway across the hall from 3-308.
Can I stay in the building after dismissal?
All 7th and 8th grade students must leave the building at dismissal unless they are supervised by an adult and we have the explicit permission of their parents/guardian for them to stay at school.
Students scheduled to take the school bus must do so unless we have the explicit permission of their parents/guardians for them to get home otherwise.
How often will I receive homework in my classes?
All 7th and 8th grade students should expect to receive homework in every class almost every night (including weekends).
How much time should I spend on homework each night?
All 7th and 8th grade students are expected to spend approximately 2 – 3 hours every night working on homework.
We have high expectations for you and are confident that you will rise to the challenge.
Have a great year!
Remember O’Bryant “PRIDE”
What should I do when I arrive at school(before homeroom starts)?
All 7th and 8th grade students are to proceed directly to the 2nd floor upon their arrival at school. Students may not leave the 2nd floor before school other than to go to the first floor cafeteria for breakfast or to go to the library.
Students are not allowed in classrooms without adult supervision; and are not allowed to loiter in the locker area or hallways.
All 7th grade students must wait for the start of school in Cafeteria B (street-side cafeteria). No 8th graders are allowed in Cafeteria B before school.
All 8th grade students must wait for the start of school in Cafeteria A (field-side cafeteria). No 7th graders are allowed in Cafeteria A before school (other than to see Ms. Choi)
What happens if I am tardy to school?
All 7th and 8th grade students will be seated in class by 7:25 AM. Students who are late to homeroom are subject to the following consequences:
1st offense > warning by homeroom teacher
2nd – 4th offenses > homeroom teacher calls home and assigns lunch time detention, student completes reflection during detention
5th + offenses > homeroom teacher assigns after school detention, student completes reflection during detention, Mr. MacLeod calls home
What happens if I am tardy to class (period 2 – 6)?
All 7th and 8th grade students will be on time for class. Students who are late to class are subject to the following consequences:
1st and 2nd offenses > teacher calls home and assigns lunchtime detention; student completes reflection during detention
3rd + offenses > teacher assigns after school detention, student completes reflection during detention, Mr. MacLeod calls home
What happens if I cut class?All 7th and 8th grade students will attend all of their classes. Students who skip class are subject to the following consequences:
1st offense > teacher calls home and teacher assigns after school detention, student completes reflection during detention; Mr. MacLeod notified
2nd + offenses > teacher refers student to Mr. MacLeod; Mr. MacLeod calls home and has student complete reflection, student subject to disciplinary hearing
When can I go to my locker?Grade 8 students may only go to their lockers: before school, after 2nd period; before lunch, and at the end of the school day (escorted by teacher).
Grade 7 students may only go to their lockers: before school, before lunch, and at the end of the school day (escorted by teacher).
Where do I eat lunch?
All 7th grade students eat during 1st lunch period (between 3rd and 4th periods)
All 8th grade students eat during 2nd lunch period (between 4th and 5th periods)
Students in the homerooms of the following teachers eat in Cafeteria B (street-side cafeteria) during their assigned lunch period: (1st lunch: Gray, Keung, Tamerat) (2nd lunch: Hall, Lawrence, Lazo)
Students in the homerooms of the following teachers eat in Cafeteria A (field-side cafeteria) during their assigned lunch period: (1st lunch: Chaney, Hodjat, Terry) (2nd lunch: Marotta, Mendillo, Tapia)
All students will sit by homeroom at their assigned table. We will consider revisiting this policy for the 8th graders at end of September.
No more than two students (one boy, one girl) may leave the cafeteria at a time to go to the lavatory. Students must ask for permission and take a lavatory pass.
All students will be dismissed from the cafeteria by homeroom and will be escorted to their next class by the teacher of their next class.
How should I act when I travel off the floor?When possible, students will be escorted by a teacher when they have to travel off of the floor. Whether or not you are being escorted, you must proceed in an orderly and respectful manner.
How am I expected to act at school as well as on the way to and from school?
All 7th and 8th grade students are expected to comply with the Code of Discipline of the Boston Public Schools as well as the School-Based Rules. In addition, we expect all 7th and 8 grade students to demonstrate respect for themselves and others through their words and actions. We have a zero tolerance policy for bullying, name calling, harassment and fighting.
Remember that the Code of Discipline must be followed even when you are on the school bus or on the MBTA (to/from school).
What happens if I misbehave?
Your parents/guardians will be called and depending on what you did, you might receive a detention (lunchtime or after school) or a conference might be arranged with your parents/guardians (which may result in a suspension).
Can I use my cell phone at school?
Cell phones must not be used during school hours and must be turned off (not just on vibrate) and put away. Cell phones will be confiscated in accordance with BPS policy.
If a family member needs to get in touch with you during the school day, they should call the main office, Mr. MacLeod or Ms. Choi and the message will be promptly communicated to you. Depending on the circumstances, you may also be permitted to make a telephone call in the main office or in Mr. MacLeod or Ms. Choi’s office.
Can I use an IPod, GameBoy, PSP or other electronic device in school?
No. These items must be put away as soon as you enter the building. We strongly suggest that you don’t even bring them to school.
Does the school have a dress code?
Yes. Students should dress in a modest fashion. Shorts and skirts must be no more than 3 inches above the knee. Revealing shirts (low-cut, halters, spaghetti strap, etc.) or shirts with obscene or other inappropriate words or images can not be worn. Hats, doo-rages, scarves and other headgear must be removed as soon as you enter the building. For more details, please read the School-Based Rules.
When and where do detentions take place?
Lunchtime detentions are held in room 3-226 for students assigned to Cafeteria B (street-side cafeteria) and in room 3-239 for students assigned to Cafeteria A (field-side cafeteria).
Students must report directly to the detention room (not the lunch line) when they are assigned lunchtime detention. Students will be allowed to obtain lunch after the line diminishes
Students must complete a reflection during lunchtime detention; and must be silent during lunchtime detention.
After school detentions are held on Thursdays from 1:50 PM to 2:30 PM in room 3-242.
A 24 hour notice letter will sent home to parents/guardians so alternative arrangements can be made for transportation home.
Students must complete a reflection during after school detention; and must be silent during after school detention.
What is a reflection?
When you fail to meet our expectations, we want you to think about what you did (or didn’t do) and what you can do (or not do) in the future to avoid this same behavior. Depending on the circumstances, you will be required to complete the following reflections during detention: Tardy to Homeroom Reflection, Tardy to Class (Periods 2-6) Reflection, Cut Class/Unexcused Absence Reflection, Behavior/Problem Solving Reflection.
When and how will I be dismissed from school?Students whose 6th period classes are located on the street-side of the building (Lazo, Lawrence, Tamerat, Gray and Keung) will be dismissed through the exit door/stairway across the hall from 3-216.
Students whose 6th period classes are located on the 2nd floor, field-side of the building (Tapia, Marotta, Chaney, Hodjat and Terry) will be dismissed through the exit door/stairway across the hall from 3-209.
Students whose 6th period classes are located on the 3rd floor, field-side of the building (Mendillo and Hall) will be dismissed through the exit door/stairway across the hall from 3-308.
Can I stay in the building after dismissal?
All 7th and 8th grade students must leave the building at dismissal unless they are supervised by an adult and we have the explicit permission of their parents/guardian for them to stay at school.
Students scheduled to take the school bus must do so unless we have the explicit permission of their parents/guardians for them to get home otherwise.
How often will I receive homework in my classes?
All 7th and 8th grade students should expect to receive homework in every class almost every night (including weekends).
How much time should I spend on homework each night?
All 7th and 8th grade students are expected to spend approximately 2 – 3 hours every night working on homework.
We have high expectations for you and are confident that you will rise to the challenge.
Have a great year!
Remember O’Bryant “PRIDE”
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Middle School Summer Reading/Project Assignments ~ 2007
Excellent analytical and reading comprehension skills are essential if you want to do well in your classes at the O’Bryant. These skills will also help you do well on the S.A.T.’s, and in college. Furthermore, one of the best ways to improve your writing is to do more reading. To this end, all O’Bryant students must complete the required readings and or projects in history, English, science and math this summer (see below). In addition, you must complete the journal activities for each book.
Summer Reading Journal Activity
All O’Bryant non-Advanced Placement students must complete Summer Reading Journals for all of their assigned summer reading. Reading journals should have the following two sections:
Use the following format for each fiction book read:
1. List in complete sentences the major events in the plot. (approximately 8-10 sentences
Excellent analytical and reading comprehension skills are essential if you want to do well in your classes at the O’Bryant. These skills will also help you do well on the S.A.T.’s, and in college. Furthermore, one of the best ways to improve your writing is to do more reading. To this end, all O’Bryant students must complete the required readings and or projects in history, English, science and math this summer (see below). In addition, you must complete the journal activities for each book.
Summer Reading Journal Activity
All O’Bryant non-Advanced Placement students must complete Summer Reading Journals for all of their assigned summer reading. Reading journals should have the following two sections:
Use the following format for each fiction book read:
1. List in complete sentences the major events in the plot. (approximately 8-10 sentences
2. Write a brief paragraph describing the setting and its impact on the story.
3. List and identify briefly the main characters. Explain the contribution of each to the story. (one paragraph for each main character)
4. Explain the major conflict in the story. (one to two paragraphs)
5. Write a paragraph explaining your reactions to the author's message or theme.
6. Select 5 important quotations from the book. Write a few sentences explaining
the importance of each quotation you chose. Include page numbers in parentheses.
Use the following format for each non-fiction book read:
1. What is the subject of the book? What is the book about? (one to two paragraphs)
2. Who is the author’s intended audience? Explain (one paragraph)
3. What is the author’s purpose in writing this book? What conclusion does the author hope that the reader will come to believe? (one to two paragraphs)
4. Did the author successfully achieve his/her purpose? In what way was his/her argument convincing? (one to two paragraphs)
3. List and identify briefly the main characters. Explain the contribution of each to the story. (one paragraph for each main character)
4. Explain the major conflict in the story. (one to two paragraphs)
5. Write a paragraph explaining your reactions to the author's message or theme.
6. Select 5 important quotations from the book. Write a few sentences explaining
the importance of each quotation you chose. Include page numbers in parentheses.
Use the following format for each non-fiction book read:
1. What is the subject of the book? What is the book about? (one to two paragraphs)
2. Who is the author’s intended audience? Explain (one paragraph)
3. What is the author’s purpose in writing this book? What conclusion does the author hope that the reader will come to believe? (one to two paragraphs)
4. Did the author successfully achieve his/her purpose? In what way was his/her argument convincing? (one to two paragraphs)
PART II: As you read the book (fiction or non-fiction), pause periodically and reflect on what you have read and prepare the following:
• a question beginning with “Why”
• a question beginning with “How” You don’t have to answer these questions
• a question beginning with “What”
• a statement beginning with “I predict” or “I remember,” followed with a “because” statement.
By the time you have finished reading each book, you must have prepared, at least, 5 “why” questions, 5 “how” questions, 5 “what” questions, and 5 “I predict” or “I remember” statements for each book.
Approximate Length of Journal for each book: Part I – one to two pages; Part II – one to two pages; Total – two to four pages
Due Date: All of your Summer Reading Journals should be turned in to your teachers on Friday, September 7, 2007. Your Summer Reading Journals will help you prepare for the in class writing prompts scheduled for early September. Both assignments will be assessed as test grades during the first marking period.
Format of Journal: Typed, 12 point font, Times New Roman, 1 ½ space. Your name, grade, the date you completed the report, the book title (underlined or in italics) and the author’s name should be at the top of the first page
Parent/Guardian Signature Form: Please have your parent/guardian sign the Parent/Guardian Signature Form which should be turned in with your Summer Reading Journals on September 7th. (see O'Bryant website ( download a copy of the same)
• a question beginning with “Why”
• a question beginning with “How” You don’t have to answer these questions
• a question beginning with “What”
• a statement beginning with “I predict” or “I remember,” followed with a “because” statement.
By the time you have finished reading each book, you must have prepared, at least, 5 “why” questions, 5 “how” questions, 5 “what” questions, and 5 “I predict” or “I remember” statements for each book.
Approximate Length of Journal for each book: Part I – one to two pages; Part II – one to two pages; Total – two to four pages
Due Date: All of your Summer Reading Journals should be turned in to your teachers on Friday, September 7, 2007. Your Summer Reading Journals will help you prepare for the in class writing prompts scheduled for early September. Both assignments will be assessed as test grades during the first marking period.
Format of Journal: Typed, 12 point font, Times New Roman, 1 ½ space. Your name, grade, the date you completed the report, the book title (underlined or in italics) and the author’s name should be at the top of the first page
Parent/Guardian Signature Form: Please have your parent/guardian sign the Parent/Guardian Signature Form which should be turned in with your Summer Reading Journals on September 7th. (see O'Bryant website ( download a copy of the same)
Students Entering
Grade 7:
History – World Geography:
You must read:
Captain Courageous by Rudyard Kipling (fiction)
and you must also read any one (1) of the following six (6) books:
Around the World in 80 Days by Jules Verne (fiction)
Before We Were Free by Julia Alvarez (fiction)
Child of the Owl by Laurence Yep (fiction)
Harriet Tubman: Conductor on the Underground Railroad by Ann Petry (non-fiction)
In the Beginning: Creation Stories from Around the World by Virginia Hamilton (fiction)
To Be Young In America: Growing Up With The Country, 1776-1940 by Sheila Cole (non-fiction)
You must read any one (1) of the following three (3) books:
Hatchet - Paulsen
The Friends – Guy
House on Mango Street - Cisneros
You must read one (1) of the following two (2) books:
We Beat the Streets -Dr. Samson Davis, Dr. George Jenkins, and Dr. Rameek Hunt (non-fiction)
Think Big-Dr. Ben Carson (non-fiction)
Congratulations on your admittance and your decision to become part of the O’Bryant learning community. We eagerly anticipate your arrival in September and extend to you a summer assignment designed to prepare you for the rigorous curriculum we will explore throughout the school year.
As we are a school grounded in the disciplines of math and science and being that we actively implement technology in our curriculum, you will need to gain access to a computer with Internet access in order to explore the following activities. The two specific websites have been chosen to highlight skills that we expect you to be comfortable with as an incoming 7th grader.
You must read:
Captain Courageous by Rudyard Kipling (fiction)
and you must also read any one (1) of the following six (6) books:
Around the World in 80 Days by Jules Verne (fiction)
Before We Were Free by Julia Alvarez (fiction)
Child of the Owl by Laurence Yep (fiction)
Harriet Tubman: Conductor on the Underground Railroad by Ann Petry (non-fiction)
In the Beginning: Creation Stories from Around the World by Virginia Hamilton (fiction)
To Be Young In America: Growing Up With The Country, 1776-1940 by Sheila Cole (non-fiction)
You must read any one (1) of the following three (3) books:
Hatchet - Paulsen
The Friends – Guy
House on Mango Street - Cisneros
You must read one (1) of the following two (2) books:
We Beat the Streets -Dr. Samson Davis, Dr. George Jenkins, and Dr. Rameek Hunt (non-fiction)
Think Big-Dr. Ben Carson (non-fiction)
Congratulations on your admittance and your decision to become part of the O’Bryant learning community. We eagerly anticipate your arrival in September and extend to you a summer assignment designed to prepare you for the rigorous curriculum we will explore throughout the school year.
As we are a school grounded in the disciplines of math and science and being that we actively implement technology in our curriculum, you will need to gain access to a computer with Internet access in order to explore the following activities. The two specific websites have been chosen to highlight skills that we expect you to be comfortable with as an incoming 7th grader.
Website #1: National Library of Virtual Manipulatives (at
Skill: Integer Operations (adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing positive and negative numbers)
Summary: The site homepage is setup as a grid. Select the heading ‘Number and Operations.’ In the page that opens, select and explore the following activities in the order they are given here.
<>Website #2: Shodor Education Foundation Project Interactivate (at
Skill: Area and Perimeter of Polygons
Summary: Select the Activities link under the Learners heading on the site homepage. On the next screen, choose the Geometry heading then explore the following activities in the order they are given here.
Skill: Integer Operations (adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing positive and negative numbers)
Summary: The site homepage is setup as a grid. Select the heading ‘Number and Operations.’ In the page that opens, select and explore the following activities in the order they are given here.
<>Website #2: Shodor Education Foundation Project Interactivate (at
Skill: Area and Perimeter of Polygons
Summary: Select the Activities link under the Learners heading on the site homepage. On the next screen, choose the Geometry heading then explore the following activities in the order they are given here.
Students Entering
Grade 8:
History - Civics:
You must read:
Warriors Don’t Cry by Melba Patillo Beales (fiction)
and you must also read any one (1) of the following five (5) books:
Anthony Burns: The Defeat and Triumph of a Fugitive Slave by Virginia Hamilton (fiction)
April Morning by Howard Fast (fiction)
Johnny Tremain by Esther Forbes (fiction)
Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry by Mildred D. Taylor (fiction)
With Courage and Cloth: Winning the Fight for Women's Right to Vote by Ann Bausum (non-fiction)
You must read:
Lord of the Flies – Golding (fiction)
and you must also read any one (1) of the following three (3) books:
Ryan White: My Own Story – White (non-fiction)
Road to Memphis – Taylor (non-fiction)
Esperanza Rising– Munoz-Ryan (fiction)
You must read one (1) of the following two (2) books:
Phineas Gage:A Gruesome but True Story about Brain Science -John Fleischman (non-fiction)
Rocket Boys- Homer Hickman (non-fiction)
The math summer project is posted on the O’Bryant website at <>.
You must read:
Warriors Don’t Cry by Melba Patillo Beales (fiction)
and you must also read any one (1) of the following five (5) books:
Anthony Burns: The Defeat and Triumph of a Fugitive Slave by Virginia Hamilton (fiction)
April Morning by Howard Fast (fiction)
Johnny Tremain by Esther Forbes (fiction)
Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry by Mildred D. Taylor (fiction)
With Courage and Cloth: Winning the Fight for Women's Right to Vote by Ann Bausum (non-fiction)
You must read:
Lord of the Flies – Golding (fiction)
and you must also read any one (1) of the following three (3) books:
Ryan White: My Own Story – White (non-fiction)
Road to Memphis – Taylor (non-fiction)
Esperanza Rising– Munoz-Ryan (fiction)
You must read one (1) of the following two (2) books:
Phineas Gage:A Gruesome but True Story about Brain Science -John Fleischman (non-fiction)
Rocket Boys- Homer Hickman (non-fiction)
The math summer project is posted on the O’Bryant website at <>.
O'Bryant Middle School Academic Award Ceremonies - Terms 3 and 4
On Thursday, May 24th, academic award ceremonies were held in the auditorium during 5th and 6th periods to recognize and celebrate the achievements of our middle school students for the 3rd and 4th marking terms.The following students were honored at the assemblies:
Grade 7
Honor Roll - Term 3
High Honors
Wan Yi Huang
Michaela Murray
Addonisio, Corrado
Bennettguallp, Kiara
Blackmore, Caitlin
Boudreau, Jessica
Brito, Bianca
Delpebrice, Pascal
Elwell, Meghan
Hua, Tony
Huang, Wan Yi
John, Danielle
Le, Ngan
Lui, Kathy
Moraes Jr., Fabiano
Murray, Michael
Nguyen, Anh
Nguyen, Christina
O’Keefe, Brett
Pearson, Fantasia
Pham, Benji Truong
Phan, Joanna
Qorri, Ilva
Salmi, Fatimaezzahar
Sanchez, Yaritza
Sanders, Xavier
Soto, Nathalie
Straus, Peter
Thornton, Adrienne
Valcin, Josie
Watkins, Vanessa
Wong, Jeremy
Wong, Sara
Honorable Mention
Charles, Jean
Comeau, Meghan
Dang, Kathy
Daniels, Raishon
Dumornay, Wousthanya
Gonzalez, Astrid
Harris, Greykia
Hill, Vanessa
Jaber, Talal
Kersaint, Regine
Martinez, Crisamar
Mouton, Alexis
Nguyen, Tom
O’Neil, Shannon
Patterson, Courtney
Pena, Stanely
Prevot, Rony
Rama, Kelvisa
Shkreta, Sara
Situ, Cynthia
Tejeda-Diaz, Alexandra
Thomson-Allen, Shai
William, Shaniesha
Grade 7
Additional Academic Awards – Term 3
7A Team
Assistant Headmaster’s Award
Adrienne Thornton
English Language Arts
Student of the Term – Caitlin Blackmore
Class Leader – Lucille Germaine
Most Diligent – Edward Martinez
Most Improved – Xavier Sanders
MS Science 7
Student of the Term – Kathy Lui
Class Leader – Corrado Addonisio
Most Diligent – Raishon Daniels
Most Improved – Rosanny Sanabria
MS Algebra
Student of the Term – Tiffany Wong
Class Leader – Crisamar Martinez
Most Diligent – Christina Nguyen
Most Improved – Kathleen Eccleston
Geography (Kennelly)
Student of the Term – Rachel Joseph
Class Leader – Crisamar Martinez
Most Diligent – Tony Hua
Most Improved – Sharif Hussain
Grade 7 Middle School Academic Awards – Term 3
7B Team
Assistant Headmaster’s Award
Yaritza Sanchez
English Language Arts 7
Student of the Term– Michaela Murray
Class Leader – Anh Nguyen
Most Diligent – Michael Murray
Most Improved – Alexandra Tejeda
MS Science 7
Student of the Term – Kelvisa Rama
Class Leader – Josie Valcin
Most Diligent – Kiara Bennett Galluap
Most Improved – Alicia Perez
MS Algebra
Student of the Term– Ashaunte Martinez
Class Leader – Anh Nguyen
Most Diligent – Rosa Soto
Most Improved – Danielle John
Geography (Fanning)
Student of the Term – Michaela Murray
Class Leader – Fabiano Moraes Jr.
Most Diligent – Irayuleiki Mejia
Most Improved – Tiajia Suell Austin
Student of the Term – Janelle Kennedy
Class Leader – Michael Allen
Most Diligent – Anh Nguyen
Most Improved – Tiajia Suell-Austin
Grade 8
Honor Roll – Term 3
Headmaster’s List
Chan, Alice
Arnold-Scott, Jade
Brito, Vicmarys
Bumar, May
Durand, Pierline
Li, Tony
Moy, Annie
Nguyen, Betsy
Nguyen, Wendy
Prifti, Gjergji
Tan, Xiolan
Wu, Tiffany
Zhu, Christine
Honorable Mention
Barnes, Carmen
Cartwright, Jalila
Cummins, Marleah
Dagondon, Margaret
Fajardo, Yaritza
Gomez, Florelis
Lara, Ramsel
Pena, Yaritza
Ransom, Chandler
Tan, Brendon
Tang, Tai
Grade 8
Additional Academic Awards – Term 3
Assistant Headmaster’s Award
Manuel Rios Alers
Student of the Term - Lydia Price
Class Leader – Victoria Strojwas
Most Diligent – Brendan Tan
Most Improved – Krista St. Louis
MS Science 8
Student of the Term - Alice Chan
Class Leader – Pierline Durand
Most Diligent – Aldwayne Demontegnac
Most Improved – Lydia Price
English Language Arts 8
Student of the Term - Manuel Rios Alers
Class Leader – Vicmarys Brito
Most Diligent – Iris Lapaix
Most Improved – David Vu
Algebra I
Student of the Term - Yarelis Diaz
Class Leader – Marleah Cummins
Most Diligent – Annie Moy
Most Improved – Angelica Meng
Spanish I
Student of the Term - Obinna Ndugba
Class Leader – Jade Arnold Scott
Most Diligent – Marleah Cummins
Most Improved – Obinna Ndugba
Student of the Term - Allen Vuong
Class Leader – Manuel Rios Alers
Most Diligent – Angelica Meng
Most Improved – Lydia Price
Grade 7
Honor Roll - Term 4
Headmaster’s List
Michaela Murray
Corrado Addonisio
Bianca Brito
Caitlin Blackmore
Kiara Bennettguallp
Pascal Delpebrice
Wousthanya Dumornay
Astrid Gonzalez
Danielle John
Kathy Lui
Anh Nguyen
Christina Nguyen
Ashaunte Martinez
Crisamar Martinez
Fabiano Moraes Jr.
Michael Murray
Brett O’Keefe
Rony Prevot
Kelvisa Rama
Fatimaezzahr Salmi
Yaritza Sanchez
Sara Shkreta
Cynthia Situ
Maressia Sneed
Adrienne Thornton
Shaniesha William
Sara Wong
Tiffany Wong
Honorable Mention
Michael Allen
Meghan Comeau
Kathy Dang
Kathleen Eccelston
Meghan Elwell
Greykia Harris
Tony Hua
Janelle Kennedy
Casandra Leveille
Amy Lyu
Frankline Mardi
Taylor Martin
Edward Martinez
Irayuleiki Mejia
Rosa Soto
Peter Starus
Shai Thomson-Allen
Josie Valcin
Vanessa Watkins
Jeremy Wong
Grade 7
Additional Academic Awards – Term 4
7A Team
Assistant Headmaster’s Award
Kathy Lui
English Language Arts
Student of the Term – Tiffany Wong
Class Leader – Joselina Fontes
Most Diligent – Christina Nguyen
Most Improved – Erica Butler
MS Science 7
Student of the Term – Pascal Delpebrice
Class Leader – Vanessa Watkins
Most Diligent – Meghan Comeau
Most Improved – Frankline Mardi
MS Algebra
Student of the Term – Christina Nguyen
Class Leader – Crisamar Martinez
Most Diligent – Caitlin Blackmore
Most Improved – Kathleen Eccleston
Geography (Kennelly)
Student of the Term – Joselina Fontes
Class Leader – Crisamar Martinez
Most Diligent – Caitlin Blackmore
Most Improved – Tan Nguyen
7 B Team
Assistant Headmaster’s Award
Brett O’Keefe
English Language Arts
Student of the Term– Michael Allen
Class Leader – Sara Shkreta
Most Diligent – Michaela Murray
Most Improved – Michael Allen
MS Science 7
Student of the Term – Ashaunte Martinez
Class Leader – Michaela Murray
Most Diligent – Joanna Phan
Most Improved – Cassandra Leveille
MS Algebra
Student of the Term– Joanna Phan
Class Leader – Alex Morrabal
Most Diligent – Regine Kersaint
Most Improved – Astrid Gonzalez
Geography (Fanning)
Student of the Term – Cynthia Situ
Class Leader –
Most Diligent – Kelvisa Rama
Most Improved – Tom Nguyen
Grade 8
Honor Roll - Term 4
Headmaster’s List
Alice Chan
May Bumar
Annie Moy
Betsy Nguyen
Wendy Nguyen
Yaritza Pena
Brendon Tan
Xiolan Tan
Tiffany Wu
Honorable Mention
Vicmarys Brito
Jalila Cartwright
Marleah Cummins
Yareliz Diaz
Pierline Durand
Yaritza Fajardo
Floraelis Gomez
Iris Lapaix
Tony Li
Angellica Meng
Melissa Nash
Christina Perry
Christine Zhu
Grade 8
Additional Academic Awards – Term 4
MS Science 8
Student of the Term - Alice Chan
Class Leader – Ramsel Lara
Most Diligent – Tri Pham
Most Improved – Florarelis Gomez
English Language Arts 8
Student of the Term – Yaritza Fajardo
Class Leader – Menwon Brisbane
Most Diligent – Iris Lapaix
Most Improved – Tilian Miles
Algebra I
Student of the Term – Tiffany Wu
Class Leader – David Vu
Most Diligent – Wendy Nguyen
Most Improved – Yessica Lopez
Grade 7
Honor Roll - Term 3
High Honors
Wan Yi Huang
Michaela Murray
Addonisio, Corrado
Bennettguallp, Kiara
Blackmore, Caitlin
Boudreau, Jessica
Brito, Bianca
Delpebrice, Pascal
Elwell, Meghan
Hua, Tony
Huang, Wan Yi
John, Danielle
Le, Ngan
Lui, Kathy
Moraes Jr., Fabiano
Murray, Michael
Nguyen, Anh
Nguyen, Christina
O’Keefe, Brett
Pearson, Fantasia
Pham, Benji Truong
Phan, Joanna
Qorri, Ilva
Salmi, Fatimaezzahar
Sanchez, Yaritza
Sanders, Xavier
Soto, Nathalie
Straus, Peter
Thornton, Adrienne
Valcin, Josie
Watkins, Vanessa
Wong, Jeremy
Wong, Sara
Honorable Mention
Charles, Jean
Comeau, Meghan
Dang, Kathy
Daniels, Raishon
Dumornay, Wousthanya
Gonzalez, Astrid
Harris, Greykia
Hill, Vanessa
Jaber, Talal
Kersaint, Regine
Martinez, Crisamar
Mouton, Alexis
Nguyen, Tom
O’Neil, Shannon
Patterson, Courtney
Pena, Stanely
Prevot, Rony
Rama, Kelvisa
Shkreta, Sara
Situ, Cynthia
Tejeda-Diaz, Alexandra
Thomson-Allen, Shai
William, Shaniesha
Grade 7
Additional Academic Awards – Term 3
7A Team
Assistant Headmaster’s Award
Adrienne Thornton
English Language Arts
Student of the Term – Caitlin Blackmore
Class Leader – Lucille Germaine
Most Diligent – Edward Martinez
Most Improved – Xavier Sanders
MS Science 7
Student of the Term – Kathy Lui
Class Leader – Corrado Addonisio
Most Diligent – Raishon Daniels
Most Improved – Rosanny Sanabria
MS Algebra
Student of the Term – Tiffany Wong
Class Leader – Crisamar Martinez
Most Diligent – Christina Nguyen
Most Improved – Kathleen Eccleston
Geography (Kennelly)
Student of the Term – Rachel Joseph
Class Leader – Crisamar Martinez
Most Diligent – Tony Hua
Most Improved – Sharif Hussain
Grade 7 Middle School Academic Awards – Term 3
7B Team
Assistant Headmaster’s Award
Yaritza Sanchez
English Language Arts 7
Student of the Term– Michaela Murray
Class Leader – Anh Nguyen
Most Diligent – Michael Murray
Most Improved – Alexandra Tejeda
MS Science 7
Student of the Term – Kelvisa Rama
Class Leader – Josie Valcin
Most Diligent – Kiara Bennett Galluap
Most Improved – Alicia Perez
MS Algebra
Student of the Term– Ashaunte Martinez
Class Leader – Anh Nguyen
Most Diligent – Rosa Soto
Most Improved – Danielle John
Geography (Fanning)
Student of the Term – Michaela Murray
Class Leader – Fabiano Moraes Jr.
Most Diligent – Irayuleiki Mejia
Most Improved – Tiajia Suell Austin
Student of the Term – Janelle Kennedy
Class Leader – Michael Allen
Most Diligent – Anh Nguyen
Most Improved – Tiajia Suell-Austin
Grade 8
Honor Roll – Term 3
Headmaster’s List
Chan, Alice
Arnold-Scott, Jade
Brito, Vicmarys
Bumar, May
Durand, Pierline
Li, Tony
Moy, Annie
Nguyen, Betsy
Nguyen, Wendy
Prifti, Gjergji
Tan, Xiolan
Wu, Tiffany
Zhu, Christine
Honorable Mention
Barnes, Carmen
Cartwright, Jalila
Cummins, Marleah
Dagondon, Margaret
Fajardo, Yaritza
Gomez, Florelis
Lara, Ramsel
Pena, Yaritza
Ransom, Chandler
Tan, Brendon
Tang, Tai
Grade 8
Additional Academic Awards – Term 3
Assistant Headmaster’s Award
Manuel Rios Alers
Student of the Term - Lydia Price
Class Leader – Victoria Strojwas
Most Diligent – Brendan Tan
Most Improved – Krista St. Louis
MS Science 8
Student of the Term - Alice Chan
Class Leader – Pierline Durand
Most Diligent – Aldwayne Demontegnac
Most Improved – Lydia Price
English Language Arts 8
Student of the Term - Manuel Rios Alers
Class Leader – Vicmarys Brito
Most Diligent – Iris Lapaix
Most Improved – David Vu
Algebra I
Student of the Term - Yarelis Diaz
Class Leader – Marleah Cummins
Most Diligent – Annie Moy
Most Improved – Angelica Meng
Spanish I
Student of the Term - Obinna Ndugba
Class Leader – Jade Arnold Scott
Most Diligent – Marleah Cummins
Most Improved – Obinna Ndugba
Student of the Term - Allen Vuong
Class Leader – Manuel Rios Alers
Most Diligent – Angelica Meng
Most Improved – Lydia Price
Grade 7
Honor Roll - Term 4
Headmaster’s List
Michaela Murray
Corrado Addonisio
Bianca Brito
Caitlin Blackmore
Kiara Bennettguallp
Pascal Delpebrice
Wousthanya Dumornay
Astrid Gonzalez
Danielle John
Kathy Lui
Anh Nguyen
Christina Nguyen
Ashaunte Martinez
Crisamar Martinez
Fabiano Moraes Jr.
Michael Murray
Brett O’Keefe
Rony Prevot
Kelvisa Rama
Fatimaezzahr Salmi
Yaritza Sanchez
Sara Shkreta
Cynthia Situ
Maressia Sneed
Adrienne Thornton
Shaniesha William
Sara Wong
Tiffany Wong
Honorable Mention
Michael Allen
Meghan Comeau
Kathy Dang
Kathleen Eccelston
Meghan Elwell
Greykia Harris
Tony Hua
Janelle Kennedy
Casandra Leveille
Amy Lyu
Frankline Mardi
Taylor Martin
Edward Martinez
Irayuleiki Mejia
Rosa Soto
Peter Starus
Shai Thomson-Allen
Josie Valcin
Vanessa Watkins
Jeremy Wong
Grade 7
Additional Academic Awards – Term 4
7A Team
Assistant Headmaster’s Award
Kathy Lui
English Language Arts
Student of the Term – Tiffany Wong
Class Leader – Joselina Fontes
Most Diligent – Christina Nguyen
Most Improved – Erica Butler
MS Science 7
Student of the Term – Pascal Delpebrice
Class Leader – Vanessa Watkins
Most Diligent – Meghan Comeau
Most Improved – Frankline Mardi
MS Algebra
Student of the Term – Christina Nguyen
Class Leader – Crisamar Martinez
Most Diligent – Caitlin Blackmore
Most Improved – Kathleen Eccleston
Geography (Kennelly)
Student of the Term – Joselina Fontes
Class Leader – Crisamar Martinez
Most Diligent – Caitlin Blackmore
Most Improved – Tan Nguyen
7 B Team
Assistant Headmaster’s Award
Brett O’Keefe
English Language Arts
Student of the Term– Michael Allen
Class Leader – Sara Shkreta
Most Diligent – Michaela Murray
Most Improved – Michael Allen
MS Science 7
Student of the Term – Ashaunte Martinez
Class Leader – Michaela Murray
Most Diligent – Joanna Phan
Most Improved – Cassandra Leveille
MS Algebra
Student of the Term– Joanna Phan
Class Leader – Alex Morrabal
Most Diligent – Regine Kersaint
Most Improved – Astrid Gonzalez
Geography (Fanning)
Student of the Term – Cynthia Situ
Class Leader –
Most Diligent – Kelvisa Rama
Most Improved – Tom Nguyen
Grade 8
Honor Roll - Term 4
Headmaster’s List
Alice Chan
May Bumar
Annie Moy
Betsy Nguyen
Wendy Nguyen
Yaritza Pena
Brendon Tan
Xiolan Tan
Tiffany Wu
Honorable Mention
Vicmarys Brito
Jalila Cartwright
Marleah Cummins
Yareliz Diaz
Pierline Durand
Yaritza Fajardo
Floraelis Gomez
Iris Lapaix
Tony Li
Angellica Meng
Melissa Nash
Christina Perry
Christine Zhu
Grade 8
Additional Academic Awards – Term 4
MS Science 8
Student of the Term - Alice Chan
Class Leader – Ramsel Lara
Most Diligent – Tri Pham
Most Improved – Florarelis Gomez
English Language Arts 8
Student of the Term – Yaritza Fajardo
Class Leader – Menwon Brisbane
Most Diligent – Iris Lapaix
Most Improved – Tilian Miles
Algebra I
Student of the Term – Tiffany Wu
Class Leader – David Vu
Most Diligent – Wendy Nguyen
Most Improved – Yessica Lopez
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
8th Graders Celebrate Women's History Month - Perseverance Essay Contest

In celebration of Women's History Month (March), the Boston Women's Heritage Trail sponsored an essay contest. Students in Mr. Marotta's ELA class were invited to write an essay where they selected a woman in their life who made a difference to those around them, and persevered. The contest was open to all students in the Boston Public Schools, and our students did exceptionally well. Not only did we have the overall second-place winner (Pierline Durand), but we also had several honorable mentions (Melissa Nash, Brianna Miller, Vicmarys Brito, Christine Zhu, Courtney Oben, Yessica Lopez, and Alice Chan. A ceremony honoring the students was held last week at the Lila Fredericks Pilot Middle School and most of our winners appeared with their mother, and in one case her father.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Please be reminded that parent-teacher conferences are scheduled for Thursday, March 29th from 7:30 AM to 9:30 AM.
All 7th and 8th grade students should report to school at the regular time.
All 7th and 8th grade students should report to school at the regular time.
Monday, March 19, 2007
O'Bryant Middle School Students Excel at Citywide Science Fair
O'Bryant 7th and 8th grade students recently participated in the Boston Public Schools Science Fair. Overall, our students did a great job and were recognized for their excellence. Award winners were as follows:
First Place:
Michael Creese "Environmental Pressures on Daphnia"
Gjergi Prifti "How Does Distance Affect the Size of Reflection on Flat, Concave, and Convex Mirrors?"
Third Place:
Vicmarys Brito and
Yaritza Fajardo "How Do Different Types of Milk Affect their Mineral Content?"
Fabiano Moraes "The Effect of a Mousetrap Car on Speed"
Honorable Mention:
Kiara Bennett and
Kathy Dang "The Effect of Friction on the Wheels of Rocket Cars Distance"
Jasmin Alicea and
Wan Yi Huang "Building and Testing the Strength of Truss Bridges"
Alice Chan "How do Different Materials Affect Light Reflection and Refraction?"
Betsy Nguyen and
May Bumar "How Does the Amount of Baking Soda Affect Bubble Formation in a Closed Container?"
Melissa Pena and
Yaritza Pena "How Does the Color of Water Affect Its Evaporation Rate?"
Additional Awards:
Michael Creese U.S. Navy Award
Gjergji Prifti U.S. Navy Award
The winners will go on to compete in the State Science Fair the first weekend in June. Congratulations to all who participated.
The winners will go on to compete in the State Science Fair the first weekend in June. Congratulations to all who participated.
Middle School 2007 MCAS Schedule
The 2007 MCAS schedule for the middle school is as follows:
Grade 7
March 20 ELA Composition
March 27 ELA Language and Literature
May 16 Math
May 18 History
Grade 8
March 28 ELA Language and Literature
May 15 Math
May 17 Science
Grade 7
March 20 ELA Composition
March 27 ELA Language and Literature
May 16 Math
May 18 History
Grade 8
March 28 ELA Language and Literature
May 15 Math
May 17 Science
Friday, February 16, 2007
Second Annual 8th Grade Spelling Bee
On Friday, February 16th, Mr. Marotta (ELA 8 teacher) and the rest of the 8th grade team held the Second Annual 8th Grade Spelling Bee in the school's auditorium. Preliminary rounds of the competition were held earlier in the week and a total of 12 finalists participated (3 students from each of Mr. Marotta's 4 classes) in Friday's competition. All of the students did a great job. Alice Chan and Linecker DaSilva, correctly spelled 73 words and were declared co-champions!!! Alice and Linecker will each receive a savings bond and their homerooms will have a pizza party.
Monday, February 12, 2007
Honor Roll Assemblies
On Monday, February 5th, honor roll assemblies were held in the auditorium during 5th and 6th periods to recognize and celebrate the achievements of our middle school students for the 2nd marking term.
The following students were honored at the assemblies:
Grade 7
Honor Roll - Grade 7
Addonisio, Corrado
Alicea, Jazmin
Bennettguallp, Kiara
Blackmore, Caitlin
Boudreau, Jessica
Charles, Jean
Comeau, Meghan
Daniels, Raishon
Delpebrice, Pascal
Depina, Agostinha
Dumornay, Wousthanya
Elwell, Meghan
Hua, Tony
Huang, Wan YiJohn, Danielle
Kersaint, Regine
Le, Ngan
Lui, Kathy
Mardi, Frankline
Moraes Jr., Fabiano
Murray, Michael
Murray, Michaela
Nguyen, Tom
O’Keefe, Brett
O’Neil, Shannon
Pearson, Fantasia
Rama, Kelvisa
Salmi, Fatimaezzahar
Sanchez, Yaritza
Sanders, Xavier
Shkreta, Sara
Situ, Cynthia
Sneed, Maressia
Soto, Rosa
Thompson-Allen, Shai
Valcin, Josie
Watkins, Vanessa
Wong, Jeremy
Wong, Sara
Wong, Tiffany
Honorable Mention - Grade 7
Devin, Timothy
Fontes, Joselina
Hill, Vanessa
Jaber, Talal
Joseph, Rachel
Martinez, Crisamar
Martinez, Edward
Mendez, Anna
Moon, Samantha
Mouton, Alexis
Nguyen, Christina
Ortiz, Dianna
Patterson, Courtney
Pham, Benji Truong
Pimentel, Lilibeth
Prevot, Rony
Quorri, Ilva
Soto, Nathalie
Thornton, Adrienne
William, Shaniesha
Team 7A
Assistant Headmaster’s Award:
Agosthina Depina
MS Algebra 7A
Student of the Term: Shai Thompson-Allen
Class Leader: Nathalie Soto
Most Diligent: Rony Prevot
Most Improved: Frankline Mardi
English Language Arts 7A
Student of the Term: Corrado Addonisio
Class leader: Nathalie Soto
Most Diligent: Vanessa Watkins
Most Improved: Jean Charles
Science Grade 7A
Student of the Term: Pascal Delpebrice
Class Leader: Samantha Holliday Moon
Most Diligent: Jessica Boudreau
Most Improved: Raishon Daniels
World Geography
Student of the Term: Xavier Sanders
Physical Education
Student of the Term: Maressia Sneed
Team 7B
Assistant Headmaster’s Award:
Wan Yi Huang
MS Algebra 7B
Student of the Term: Wan Yi Huang
Class Leader: Dominic Owens
Most Diligent: Wan Yi Huang
Most Improved: Danielle John
English Language Arts 7B
Student of the Term: Kiara Bennett-Gallup
Class leader: Josie Valcin
Most Diligent: Tom Nguyen
Most Improved: Michaela Murray
Science Grade 7B
Student of the Term: Tom Nguyen
Class Leader: Bianca Brito
Most Diligent: Wousthanya Dumornay
Most Improved: Sara Shkreta
World Geography
Student of the Term: Fabiano Moraes Jr.
Physical Education
Student of the Term: Wan Yi Huang
Grade 8
Headmaster’s List
Chan, Alice
Assistant Headmaster’s Award:
Menwon Brisbane
Honor Roll - Grade 8
Arnold-Scott, Jade
Brito, Vicmarys
Bumar, May
Diaz, Yareliz
Lara, Ramsel
Liu, Judy
Moy, Annie
Nguyen, Betsy
Nguyen, Wendy
Perry, Christina
Prifti, Gjergji
Tan, Xiolan
Wu, Tiffany
Zhu, Christine
Honorable Mention - Grade 8
Cummins, Marleah
Dao, Nhien
Lapaix, Iris
Morrocchio, Anthony
Pena, Melissa
Pena, Yaritza
Rodriguez, Aneudy
Tan, Brendon
Tang, Tai
Algebra I
Student of the Term: Ramsel Lara
Class Leader: Melinda Rodriguez
Most Diligent: Chandler Ransom
Most Improved: Nestor Mota
English Language Arts 8
Student of the Term: Andrew Sepulveda
Class leader: Yareliz Diaz
Most Diligent: Obinna Ndugba
Most Improved: Tiliah Miles
Student of the Term: Vicmarys Brito
Class Leader: Jaqueline Ramirez
Most Diligent: Keyanni Whyte
Most Improved: Manny Rios Alers
Science Grade 8
Student of the Term: Gjergji Prifti
Class Leader: Jalila Cartwright
Most Diligent: Manny Rios Alers
Most Improved: Phu Tran
MCAS Prep Math
Student of the Term: Brendon Tan
Spanish I
Student of the Term: Jade Arnold-Scott
Physical Education
Student of the Term: Aldwayne Demontegnac
The following students were honored at the assemblies:
Grade 7
Honor Roll - Grade 7
Addonisio, Corrado
Alicea, Jazmin
Bennettguallp, Kiara
Blackmore, Caitlin
Boudreau, Jessica
Charles, Jean
Comeau, Meghan
Daniels, Raishon
Delpebrice, Pascal
Depina, Agostinha
Dumornay, Wousthanya
Elwell, Meghan
Hua, Tony
Huang, Wan YiJohn, Danielle
Kersaint, Regine
Le, Ngan
Lui, Kathy
Mardi, Frankline
Moraes Jr., Fabiano
Murray, Michael
Murray, Michaela
Nguyen, Tom
O’Keefe, Brett
O’Neil, Shannon
Pearson, Fantasia
Rama, Kelvisa
Salmi, Fatimaezzahar
Sanchez, Yaritza
Sanders, Xavier
Shkreta, Sara
Situ, Cynthia
Sneed, Maressia
Soto, Rosa
Thompson-Allen, Shai
Valcin, Josie
Watkins, Vanessa
Wong, Jeremy
Wong, Sara
Wong, Tiffany
Honorable Mention - Grade 7
Devin, Timothy
Fontes, Joselina
Hill, Vanessa
Jaber, Talal
Joseph, Rachel
Martinez, Crisamar
Martinez, Edward
Mendez, Anna
Moon, Samantha
Mouton, Alexis
Nguyen, Christina
Ortiz, Dianna
Patterson, Courtney
Pham, Benji Truong
Pimentel, Lilibeth
Prevot, Rony
Quorri, Ilva
Soto, Nathalie
Thornton, Adrienne
William, Shaniesha
Team 7A
Assistant Headmaster’s Award:
Agosthina Depina
MS Algebra 7A
Student of the Term: Shai Thompson-Allen
Class Leader: Nathalie Soto
Most Diligent: Rony Prevot
Most Improved: Frankline Mardi
English Language Arts 7A
Student of the Term: Corrado Addonisio
Class leader: Nathalie Soto
Most Diligent: Vanessa Watkins
Most Improved: Jean Charles
Science Grade 7A
Student of the Term: Pascal Delpebrice
Class Leader: Samantha Holliday Moon
Most Diligent: Jessica Boudreau
Most Improved: Raishon Daniels
World Geography
Student of the Term: Xavier Sanders
Physical Education
Student of the Term: Maressia Sneed
Team 7B
Assistant Headmaster’s Award:
Wan Yi Huang
MS Algebra 7B
Student of the Term: Wan Yi Huang
Class Leader: Dominic Owens
Most Diligent: Wan Yi Huang
Most Improved: Danielle John
English Language Arts 7B
Student of the Term: Kiara Bennett-Gallup
Class leader: Josie Valcin
Most Diligent: Tom Nguyen
Most Improved: Michaela Murray
Science Grade 7B
Student of the Term: Tom Nguyen
Class Leader: Bianca Brito
Most Diligent: Wousthanya Dumornay
Most Improved: Sara Shkreta
World Geography
Student of the Term: Fabiano Moraes Jr.
Physical Education
Student of the Term: Wan Yi Huang
Grade 8
Headmaster’s List
Chan, Alice
Assistant Headmaster’s Award:
Menwon Brisbane
Honor Roll - Grade 8
Arnold-Scott, Jade
Brito, Vicmarys
Bumar, May
Diaz, Yareliz
Lara, Ramsel
Liu, Judy
Moy, Annie
Nguyen, Betsy
Nguyen, Wendy
Perry, Christina
Prifti, Gjergji
Tan, Xiolan
Wu, Tiffany
Zhu, Christine
Honorable Mention - Grade 8
Cummins, Marleah
Dao, Nhien
Lapaix, Iris
Morrocchio, Anthony
Pena, Melissa
Pena, Yaritza
Rodriguez, Aneudy
Tan, Brendon
Tang, Tai
Algebra I
Student of the Term: Ramsel Lara
Class Leader: Melinda Rodriguez
Most Diligent: Chandler Ransom
Most Improved: Nestor Mota
English Language Arts 8
Student of the Term: Andrew Sepulveda
Class leader: Yareliz Diaz
Most Diligent: Obinna Ndugba
Most Improved: Tiliah Miles
Student of the Term: Vicmarys Brito
Class Leader: Jaqueline Ramirez
Most Diligent: Keyanni Whyte
Most Improved: Manny Rios Alers
Science Grade 8
Student of the Term: Gjergji Prifti
Class Leader: Jalila Cartwright
Most Diligent: Manny Rios Alers
Most Improved: Phu Tran
MCAS Prep Math
Student of the Term: Brendon Tan
Spanish I
Student of the Term: Jade Arnold-Scott
Physical Education
Student of the Term: Aldwayne Demontegnac
Thursday, February 8, 2007
Welcome to the John D. O'Bryant School of Mathematics and Science Middle School Blog. The purpose of this blog is to improve communication between the school, its students and their parents/guardians.
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