To assist our students (and their families) with the transition to the 7th grade, we are providing a three-day orientation (August 26th, 27th and 28th) for students and an evening information session (August 27th) for parents/guardians.
The three-day orientation will provide students with an opportunity to tour the building, meet some of their classmates as well as some of our teachers, guidance counselors, and administrators, learn our behavioral and academic expectations and advice on how to be successful O’Bryant students (e.g., organizational and time management skills). Students will receive light refreshments each day and a gift-bag of O’B paraphernalia on the last day of orientation.
The orientation will start each day at 8:30 am and end at 11:30 am. Students must arrange for their own transportation to and from orientation. Signs will be posted to direct students to the appropriate location in the building. Students must bring a three-ring binder (minimum of 1 ½ inches) to orientation.
The information session will provide parents/guardians with an opportunity to meet some of our teachers, guidance counselors, and administrators, an overview of our behavioral and academic expectations, and suggestions on how they can help their children be successful at the O’Bryant, and a chance to ask questions. The information session will be held in the main auditorium and will start at 6:00 pm and end at 8:00 pm.
You should be receiving a letter in the mail this week (August 11th) inviting you to the orientation and information session.
If you do not receive the letter or you have any questions, please e-mail me Dave MacLeod at (at any time) or call (617) 635-9932 (starting August 18th)